Thursday, September 4, 2014

Trail angels

Huge thanks to trail angel and Thousand Miler Will for picking me up at the bus station in Milwaukee last night and getting me to Hartland where I had left the trail. Thank you Will! It was so fun to hear about the Ozarks ... Another dream!

In Hartland I am staying with Jeannie who is almoooossst done section-hiking the IAT with her husband. It was a rainy and thundery this morning and they suggested I slackpack today through Lapham Peak and spend another night at their home. It was too wonderful a thought to say no to: all my stuff will stay dry and I will be able to shower tonight and dry off all while still making forward progress. Also, rumor has it that the Packers are playing tonight. ;)

Thank you so much, trail angels! it feels amazing to be home and it's possible because of you.

1 comment:

  1. No one is more thankful for the kindness of trail angels than the mother of a hiker---Mother Mary
